
Visa for Employment for Qualified Professionals

08.02.2024 - Article

If you have completed qualified vocational training or a course of study outside Germany, you can obtain a residence permit under Section 18a of the Residence Act (AufenthG) or Section 18b of the Residence Act (AufenthG) in order to take up qualified employment in Germany as a skilled worker.

General Information

  • hold an academic university degree recognized in Germany or vocational training recognized in Germany If you want to work in a regulated profession, such as a healthcare profession, you will need a license to practice.
  • Specific job offer from an employer in Germany for a qualified position. Auxiliary tasks will not be sufficient.
  • qualified employment in Germany (not necessarily relating to your professional qualification).
  • please note that there are university degrees that are recognised as vocational training in Germany.

Online Application for the Visa for qualified professionals via Consular Services Portal

 Digital application via the Consular Services Portal
Digital application via the Consular Services Portal © GKSP/Canva.com

You can easily apply for your Visa online via the Consular Services Portal of the Federal Foreign Office. You need to compile the necessary document personally followed by a pre-check of your application You can check the status of your application online at any time. Please refrain from any status enquires, as these will not be answered.

This is how the online application works:

Step 1: Complete your application form online and upload all and correct documents.

Step 2: Submit your application. Your details and documents will be pre-checked once for completeness. You will receive feedback online. If your application is complete, you will receive a link to book your appointment.

Step 3: Use the link you receive to book an appointment online at your diplomatic mission abroad. You may only apply for your appointment once your documents have been pre-checked.

Step 4: Attend your appointment on site at the Embassy. During this appointment, you need to provide the checklist (see below), a biometric passport photo, originals of your documents (certificates), your identity will be checked and your biometric data (fingerprints) recorded.

Step 5: Track your application status online.


Please Note: Applications for visa for skilled workers can no longer be handed in directly at the Embassy. Do not book an appointment separately.

Required Documents

Section 18a of the Residence Act (AufenthG) or Section 18b of the Residence Act (AufenthG)

To apply, you will need the following original documents to present at your appointment at the Embassy. Please pay attention that all Tanzanian documents issued by an authority of the state needs to be Legalizations

Please sort the individual sets in the order listed below. DO NOT STAPLE
Information Sheets:

Employment Skilled worker with vocational training

Skilled worker with university degree

In certain cases, additional documents may be required. You will be notified of this directly via the international portal as part of the preliminary check of the online application.

Processing time:

Due to the regular need for approval from the authorities in Germany, you should generally allow four to six weeks for your visa application to be processed (calculated from the time you submit the complete application documents to the diplomatic mission abroad).

Please do not request a status update – these will not be answered but ignored.



After the above mentioned pre-check you will receive a link to book your appointment. It is not possible to make an appointment by telephone or in person.

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