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Federal Compensation Act


Directive of the Federal Government on Transitional Benefits to Surviving Spouses of Victims of National Socialism who received current benefits under the Federal Compensation Act (BEG) until their deaths.

The directive of the Federal Government on transitional benefits to surviving spouses of victims of National Socialism who received current benefits under the Federal Compensation Act (BEG) until their deaths entered into force on April 27, 2021.

According to the directive, surviving spouses of survivors of National Socialist persecution who died after January 01, 2020, and who received ongoing benefits under the Federal Compensation Act (BEG) until their death, can receive financial benefits for a transitional period of nine months after the death of their spouse, the amount of which is essentially based on the minimum pension under the BEG.

The “Working Group on Recognition Benefits” at the Federal Office for Central Services and Unresolved Property Issues (BADV) is responsible for implementing this directive.

You can find more information in the English language leaflet to be downloaded here.

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