
Certificate of citizenship


You wish to establish the fact that you are German? Or do you wish to apply for a certificate confirming and proving that you are a German citizen? Read here about what the certificate of citizenship is and how to apply for it.

What is This?

You can apply for determination of German citizenship in order to obtain a certificate of citizenship. The certificate confirms and proves that you are a German citizen, for example because you obtained citizenship by birth and have not lost it since. An application is useful for example if it is not clear whether you (still) have German citizenship.

“Am I German?”

You are looking for information on whether you might be a German citizen, for example because you have a German ancestor? Or do you want to know what chances of success your application would have? Read Am I German?”

How Do I Apply?

The competent authority for all applicants from abroad is the Federal Office of Administration (“Bundesverwaltungsamt”). Please note that you will be directed to the website in the German language. The documents and application forms have to be completed in German. Should you not be able to understand German, please get in touch with a translator as the Embassy cannot offer such services. Once complete, you have the possibility to submit your application with the German Embassy in Dar Es Salaam.

  1. Read the Information sheet carefully.
  2. Compile the required documents as per the information sheet. If you lack any of the documents, you must apply for them at the issuing authorities (also see: Family Research/Genealogy) For documents on naturalizations or the arrival in Tanzania, contacting the National Archive in Dar Es Salaam (www.nyaraka.go.tz) and/or the Tanzanian Immigration Department might be helpful. The research concerning these documents would has to be carried out by you; the Embassy cannot do this on your behalf.
  3. Fully complete the German application form and sign it. Fill out appendix V for all relevant ancestors.The English forms below are a courtesy translation for your convenience only, and are not to be submitted.
  4. Get in touch with the Embassy via Contact form and request an appointment and bring all documents as originals to your appointment. You are welcome to provide a Scan of documents to ensure that everything is complete and to avoid several trips. We advise to only forward complete applications.

Your application will then be forwarded to the Federal Office of Administration for processing.

Information concerning data protection with regard to the processing of your application


The fee for a certificate of citizenship is 51,- Euro. In case your application is rejected, the fee is between 25,- and 51,- Euro. Payment is due once your application has been decided upon and is to be paid by you directly to the Federal Office of Administration.

The service provided by the German Embassy is free of charge.

Negative Certification

If you require proof that you are not a German citizen, you can apply for a so-called negative certification. During this process your citizenship status is evaluated, and if you are indeed not a German citizen a so-called negative certification will be issued.

Further information on the process can be found here and the application form here

The application form and information are only available in German.

The fees are the same as for the certificate of citizenship.

Translation aids

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