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Certifications and Notarizations
Do you need to sign a document in front of a consular officer? Or are you in need of certified copies? Learn about the two very different forms: certification of signature versus notarisation. And find information on certified copies.
Certification of signature and copies

General information
By certifying a signature, the consular officer confirms that the person indicated in the document was physically present and signed it in front of him or her. It is a simple form of authenticating a signature.
By certifying a copy, the consular officer confirms that a document is a true and correct copy of the original. It does, however, not verifiy the content of this document.
Following a change in the law, the German missions will no longer be able to carry out identity checks in connection with opening a bank account, taking out a loan and similar purposes. Please ask your bank for further information. The legalisation department is only allowed to certify your signature if you are a student applying for a visa for Germany and need to open a blocked account.
Certifications of signatures and photocopies of documents are carried out during counter opening hours. Please make an appointment if you wish to get a signature or copy certified.
Make an appointment for certification of signature
Make an appointment for certification of a copy
Certification of copies
Please bring the following documents to your appointment:
· The pre-booked appointment confirmation
· the original documents,
· fee
The fee is charged for each document separately. Depending on the number of cerrtifications required, considerable fees might have to be charged. Thus please inform yourself whether obtaining new original documents may prove to be more cost-effective.
The compilation and certification of several documents in one package is only possible if copies of various documents must be submitted to the competent German authority in connection with another individually attributable public service (name declaration, birth registration).
No fee is charged for state pension-related certifications (please bring the letter from the pension authority along), applications for acceptance into German universities or in citizenship matters (as long as proog e.g. by university is provided).
Please read our general information about fees and methods of payment
Consular Certificates
For the issuance of a consular certificate, please
- First make an appointment and then bring with you the
- (original) evidence of the facts to be certified (this can sometimes be very individual)
- the fee
to the appointment.
You will find information on fees at the bottom of the page. Please remember that a consular certificate can only be issued if the facts of the case can be proven. A consular certificate cannot be issued for every case (e.g. a consular certificate cannot be issued for the custody of a child, as this requires a judgment). Consular certificates are generally intended for presentation to German authorities (e.g. life certificate, etc.).
Certification/Verification of Signature
When certifying a signature, the consular officer confirms the identity of the signatory of a document. The signature must be executed or acknowledged in person at the Embassy. The consular officer will not instruct on or be responsible for the content of the document signed.
In the area of company law, it is also possible to carry out notarizations and certifications directly at a German notary's office by means of an online procedure at https://online-verfahren.notar.de/ov/home.
This applies in particular to company formations, powers of attorney and shareholder resolutions, as well as applications to the commercial register, register of associations, etc.
As this procedure is independent of location, it can also be used by persons who are temporarily or permanently abroad.
- Declaration of consent: A declaration with which a contract that was notarized in Germany is subsequently consented to and thus becomes effective.
Applications for registration in the Commercial Register
Application for a certificate of good conduct/police clearance certificate
Declaration of renouncement of inheritance
No certification possible: Signatures that are needed for bank matters in Germany cannot be certified by German Missions abroad, see information on opening of bank accounts
Powers of attorney:
Powers of attorney may not always be furnished with a simple certification of signature. In particular, powers of attorney in connection with the purchase or sale of real estate often bind the signatory to such a degree that they pre-empt the legal transaction which is to take place at a notary public. Such powers of attorney may not be certified, as a notarisation is required.
If you wish to have your signature certified on a power of attorney, please send us the draft of the document prior to visiting us. We will assess whether we can render the service requested.
“What must I bring to have my signature certified?”
- Proof of yoour pre-booked online appointment
the document that is to be signed (possibly already prepared by the notary public)
in case of declaration of consent: a copy of the contract that was notarised in Germany
valid proof of identity (passport, Tanzanian NIDA card/ID)
if you do not act in your own name, but are representing a company or minor: proof of representation (original or copy certified by a German authority)
A notarization is the “stronger” form of transaction. While the consular officer will also verify the identity of the applicant, he/she will also act as a German notary, advising the signatory on the legal consequences of the transaction and will be responsible for the content.
In the area of company law, it is also possible to carry out notarizations and certifications directly at a German notary's office by means of an online procedure at https://online-verfahren.notar.de/ov/home.
This applies in particular to company formations, powers of attorney and shareholder resolutions, as well as applications to the commercial register, register of associations, etc.
As this procedure is independent of location, it can also be used by persons who are temporarily or permanently abroad.
A notarization will be thoroughly prepared by the Embassy on the basis of the information you provide. In some cases, a notarisation is prepared based on a draft prepared by an attorney or notary public.
The German Embassy in Tanzania may, for example, notarize the following transactions:
Affirmation in lieu of an oath
declaration of joint custody according to German law
Prior to notarization, it is always necessary to contact the Embassy and to outline the matter in detail as well as to send documents as a pdf scan for preparation.
The consular officer will inform you of the documents necessary for notarisation, in addition to which you must bring valid identification (passport or Tanzanian NIDA/ID) and the fee
Honorary Consuls may not carry out notarizations.